5 benefits of drinking espresso

Drinking espresso or short black coffee is something that everyone likes. It is not possible to deny it. We love coffee and we can not live without it, at least if we are the people who drink it (because if you do not like it, it's obvious that you will not need it). However, even those who do not drink coffee may begin to do so after knowing its many benefits.

For this note, we have chosen 5 of the most important benefits that coffee brings to our health. When we drink espresso we will get several advantages that will come in handy in our day to day life.

1. Improving long-term memory
The first thing the espresso "shot" does is provide that injection of caffeine that falls so well in the morning. To get rid of sleep and start working at full capacity, caffeine is essential. It is not that we need it, it is that we fall for the best. Then we find the first advantage of this drink: the improvement of long-term memory. And the reason is that if we drink an adequate amount of caffeine we will notice that incentive for our body.

Michael Yassa, a neuroscientist at the University of California, who made a study about it, proved exactly this: the caffeine he recommends is the equivalent of two espressos, which benefits that memory consolidates and we can make better use of our memories with the pass of the time. What happens if we drink more coffee from the two indicated cups? In that case we will not suffer any side effects, but we will not reach a higher memory level either.

2. Help to lose weight
The great benefit of espresso is that it has a minimum calorie figure. If we do not add sugar or another ingredient, such as cream, we will keep the caloric intake to a minimum. In addition to this, it helps us in the exercise sessions we perform.

According to a study, caffeine helps that the level of effort that we should use is 5% lower. And no less relevant, at the end of the exercises we will not only be more rested, but our muscles will be less painful, since it is another of the benefits of coffee. In this sense, the recommendation is that we take between two and three cups of espresso an hour before playing sports to notice that our muscles hurt less during and after exercise.

3. Prevents diabetes
The more coffee we consume, the less risk we will have of suffering from type 2 diabetes. This is what a Harvard study said in which caffeine consumption was studied over a period of four years. People who increased their daily coffee consumption reduced the risk of suffering from the disease and although it is not a factor that takes us away from the disease in its entirety, it helps make that possible. To ensure that type 2 diabetes does not appear in our body we must also try to keep fit, play sports, not overdo the sweets; And always do not forget about coffee.

4. Increase attention
There are several factors that increase when we drink coffee, such as the level of attention offered by our body and how vigilant the senses are. We also reduce fatigue and we fill with energy. These are reasons why it is common to have a cup of espresso in the morning and why many people say that "until I drink my first coffee I am nobody".

The reason for this type of benefit is due to a series of neurochemical interactions fostered by the introduction of coffee. It is also due to the presence of dopamine in coffee, which helps the brain pay more attention. However, experts recommend looking for the middle point, given that an excess of caffeine can lead to the reverse situation and find problems to concentrate in an appropriate way.

5. Reduce the risks of heart attack
Any habit that can help us stay away from heart attacks is welcome in our lives. It is known that coffee, at least one cup a day, is beneficial to reduce the chances of suffering a heart attack. The reason? The antioxidants that coffee has and the way in which they enhance the body's resistance with its intake. The studies carried out based on these findings have determined that in women the risk can be reduced by 25%, while in men it remains at 21%, which is also not bad knowing how frequent heart attacks are.

With all this in mind, do not feel bad about your coffee addiction. Drinking espresso has great benefits and is something that we should continue to do, with the necessary moderation.
